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Legal information and imprint

Imprint and disclosure

Zarastro GmbH
Lerchenstraße 42
4702 Wallern

BIO control body: AT-BIO-402

Object of the company: Food trade


Company register number: FN 612522v
Company register court: Commercial Court Wels
UID number: ATU79854356

Member of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce

Supervisory authority according to ECG: District authority Grieskirchen

Applicable legal regulations: GewO, ECG; available at



Cooking & food styling:


The information and recipes contained on this platform and linked media reflect my personal experience only and are provided for informational purposes and as culinary inspiration. The recipes and nutritional information do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Any recommendations reproduced in the media we maintain are not a substitute for advice from medical professionals or nutritionists. Readers with specific health concerns, food allergies, individual dietary needs or medical conditions should seek professional medical advice before implementing the recipes or dietary recommendations described herein. The author, publisher and operator of this platform accepts no responsibility for any health problems or damage that may arise from the use of the recipes or information contained on this platform. It is strongly recommended that you seek qualified medical advice or consult a nutrition specialist if you have any health concerns or before changing your current dietary habits. The authors and publishers of this media assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information and recipes provided and it is the responsibility of the reader to take allergic reactions, food intolerances or other health concerns into account. Furthermore, neither the authors, publishers nor operators assume any guarantee or liability for the effectiveness of the measures presented. Zarastro GmbH is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via hyperlinks.


This product or food has not yet been approved for sale or use in the EU. The information provided in this context is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for purchase or consumption. The use or consumption of this unauthorized food is at your own risk. We, the authors and the publisher, accept no responsibility for any health risks or legal consequences that may arise from the use of this unauthorized food. It is also recommended that consumers inform themselves about the applicable laws and regulations in the EU before consuming or using the unauthorized food. It is the responsibility of consumers to ensure that they only consume or use products that comply with applicable laws and regulations. Before purchasing or using this food, it is recommended that you inform yourself about the current legal requirements and seek professional advice if necessary.

Clinical trial overview