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I used to go for regular check-ups because I felt I had to keep a close eye on my health. Even during my illness, I stayed true to this credo for a while. But it was frustrating. If external measures couldn't heal me, I had to be able to heal myself, right? But that's not possible either. Not quite!

At some point, I began to look into how the "human system" works. I read books, attended medical training courses and analyzed countless studies. This has developed into a hobby from which, among other things, the TOBIO products have emerged.

I don't want to "convince" anyone against their will, but rather share impulses for seekers.

For your happiness.



What are lectins

Lectins are proteins that occur in plants and - in layman's terms - protect them from their predators or, for example, ensure that their seeds are protected from digestion in the digestive tract. These are plants that were not originally on the human…

Sugar, fructose and CGM

Sugar has a bad "press". But why healthy fructose should suddenly be more toxic than alcohol is difficult to understand

The thing with the fatty acids

Omega 3 or Omega 6? Saturated or unsaturated fatty acids? Bad fat? Bad schnitzel?

What can a CGM sensor do?

Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement (CGM) was actually developed for the management of diabetes mellitus. What can a healthy person learn with these devices?

Gluten-free = lectin-free?

Gluten is a lectin. Lectins are proteins that occur in plants and - in layman's terms - protect them from their predators or, for example, ensure that their seeds are protected from digestion in the digestive tract of mammals. Why don't I eat…

Discussion and dissenting votes

Risk characterization for the "healthy" general population: What does the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) say? Knowledge about lectins is old.

Toxins, environmental toxins and genes

What does methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase have to do with detoxification, depression and anxiety?

Climbing for longevity and brain power?

The link between longevity and brain power? That's right: climbing! Or: grip strength as a simple but effective biomarker...

Biohacking sheep's milk?

Sheep's milk is rich in exciting fats such as MCTs, C15:0, contains no beta A1 casein and tastes delicious

The informative value of the (complete) blood count - Guest article by Dr. Christian Gersch

Why it is advertised as a comprehensive laboratory analysis, what it says and: what it does not say

But tomatoes are so healthy!

Why tomatoes are actually ornamental plants, but are still thought to be healthy

In need of care, disabled, depressed or even dead because of an ENT antibiotic?

Although this is actually "forbidden", I keep hearing from friends and family members that they continue to be prescribed medication of this technology by their family doctor...

What do MCT oil, fasting and ketone bodies have to do with each other?

Why is fasting so healthy? What are medium-chain triglycerides? What are ketone bodies? And what does all this have to do with each other?



Alternatives and substitution options for ingredients

Replace ingredients with healthy alternatives. It is often not easy to get the ingredients used in our recipes. Nor is it absolutely necessary. We always design our recipes to the best of our knowledge and belief at the time.

Why do we juice our fruit?

Juicing fruit and disposing of the juice? What is "reverse juicing" all about?

An ode to food

Why the term "food" is often misunderstood



Why gratitude is good for us (ourselves)

Yes, it's nice when someone thanks you. For a gift, a gesture, or just because. How often do you expect gratitude from OTHERS? Are you disappointed when you encounter INgratitude?

I am not my ego

There are people who ponder a lot and, thanks to their sharp minds and "intellect", can analyze every situation in detail (at least in retrospect) and explain why something is the way it is.

Before you heal someone, ask them if they are ready to give up what is making them ill.

Before you heal someone, ask them if they are ready to give up what is making them ill.

Why there is no absolute truth

Opposites exist simultaneously in the universe and there are no absolute limits to anything. There are explanatory models in science. Schemes that can be explained cognitively. Because humans love order and systems. But what is often not considered:…

Tobias Stumpfl as a guest on the women balance podcast

We talk about lectins and the connection with lifestyle diseases


The information and recipes contained on this platform and linked media reflect my personal experience only and are provided for informational purposes and as culinary inspiration. The recipes and nutritional information do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Any recommendations reproduced in the media we maintain are not a substitute for advice from medical professionals or nutritionists. Readers with specific health concerns, food allergies, individual dietary needs or medical conditions should seek professional medical advice before implementing the recipes or dietary recommendations described herein. The author, publisher and operator of this platform accepts no responsibility for any health problems or damage that may arise from the use of the recipes or information contained on this platform. It is strongly recommended that you seek qualified medical advice or consult a nutrition specialist if you have any health concerns or before changing your current dietary habits. The authors and publishers of this media assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information and recipes provided and it is the responsibility of the reader to take allergic reactions, food intolerances or other health concerns into account. Furthermore, neither the authors, publishers nor operators assume any guarantee or liability for the effectiveness of the measures presented. Zarastro GmbH is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via hyperlinks.